We ENGAGE your audiences. We help you develop and refine your unique, compelling story that speaks to your customer base.
We ENERGIZE your customers. The key to success in any marketing campaign is to excite and actively engage your audience. We help you turn your customers into active participants in your story.
We EXPAND your business. Engaged and Energized customers are the gateway to your main goal—achieving long-lasting, measurable results that grow your business. That’s what Red Mouse Media can do for you!
At Red Mouse Media…
We help small businesses, startups, and nonprofits tell their story.
Do you think your business is too small to use a media agency? Well think again. You want to invest in growing your brand through digital media, and that doesn’t have to cost a fortune. At Red Mouse Media we offer affordable solutions that fit any budget. We bring our expertise to you—developing social media content development, digital messaging, public / media relations, and corporate training and events.
We’re not a third-party contractor. We’re a valued extension of your team!
More than content creators…
We’re Storytellers!
Join our growing list of clients who have entrusted their stories to us!
Click Here to Learn More

Good Things Do Come
in Small Packages
Red Mouse Media is a boutique digital media and marketing company located in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. We have over 60 years of combined media and marketing experience with large multinational corporations, small mom-and-pop startups, and a host of nonprofits. The key thread that runs through all we do is to find and tell each organization’s unique and compelling story in ways that connect it to an engaged and interested audience.
Fueled by a passion for who we serve. That’s our story!
We understand small business and nonprofits because we are one. We not only own a small agency, Red Mouse Media, but our management team has formed and managed nonprofits, and currently sit on several nonprofit boards. We believe so strongly in the good work that our community partners do, that we invest a percentage of every dollar we earn back into local nonprofits. That’s just part of OUR story.
Learn About Our Philanthropy